
2014 Annual Business Meeting of Members#


NOTICE is hereby given of the 2014 Annual Business Meeting of Members of the Academia Europaea, open to all elected members of the Academia Europaea.

The meeting will last 1.5 hours and will be followed by the official opening ceremonies for the annual conference.

Chair: The President – Professor dr.Lars Walloe
Venue: the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Carrer del Carme, 47 (IEC Building) 08001 Barcelona, Spain).
Location maplink: http://barcelona.acadeuro.org/contact-us
Date and Time: Wednesday 16 July, 14:30
Attention: Any member wishing to table a motion for debate or to ask a specific question to the Board of Trustees, should contact the Executive Secretary (execsec@acadeuro.org) in writing before 17:00 (GMT) on 30 June, 2014.

Draft Agenda#

  • To adopt the minutes of the AGM of 2013 (Wroclaw) (download the file(info))
  • To receive the annual activity report (2013)
  • To receive the audited accounts of the Academia Europaea (2013)
  • To appoint auditors for 2014
  • To approve the level of individual financial contribution by members for 2015
  • To receive the report of the President, the Treasurer and other officers.
  • To receive reports of the AE Knowledge Hubs


Resolution from the Board#

That the AGM do elect a President, for the period 2014 – 2017.

Board Motion: The Board of the Academia Europaea (Regulations Section 13 (2)) having undertaken a search, in accordance with regulations, propose: that the members present and voting at the AGM hereby elect Sierd Cloetingh to the position of President of the Board of Trustees of the Academia Europaea Ltd. The term of office to commence at the close of the AGM of 16 September 2014, in Barcelona.



  • Draft of the Minutes(info)(pdf) of the annual meeting of the Academia Europaea held at University of Wroclaw, Poland on 16 September 2013
  • Draft of the Minutes(info) (MSWord) of the annual meeting of the Academia Europaea held at University of Wroclaw, Poland on 16 September 2013
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